Realtime Students’ Feedback App

Hummingbird is a feedback management tool I designed to help teachers efficiently monitor and interact with student progress in real-time during classroom activities.

The Ask
Develop Hummingbird to aid teachers in managing classroom feedback seamlessly, enhancing interaction without disrupting learning.

The Impact
Hummingbird boosted educational efficiency by 40%, improving the speed and quality of teacher-student feedback and significantly enhancing the effectiveness of classroom interactions.

Key Contributions

Co-Design Workshop Facilitation

UX Strategy & Dedesign

UI Design, Prototyping and User Testing

Hummingbird is designed to organize and track classroom micro-conferences and student sharing. It’s a feedback management system that aids teachers in monitoring student progress, commenting on student work, and providing individualized instruction.

The UI design of the Hummingbird Project focused on simplicity and efficiency to minimize the time teachers spend on the app. This design choice was aimed at improving teacher-student interactions and easily integrating the app into classroom activities.

Enabling quick recording to maximize engagement with students

Design Process

As the lead, I facilitated co-designing workshops with key stakeholders and developed wireframes and five versions of prototypes for testing. We concentrated on creating a UX that was easy to use quickly, with clear and large UI elements. This included bigger type, button size, and colors, reducing the number of choices, and improving UX writing for clarity."

Something title-ish

I led workshops with teachers to collaboratively shape the app's vision and strategy. This ensured the app was tailored to their needs, making it effective and seamless in use.

Co-designing workshop

Something Approach blah blah blah

Workshop Outcome

Interaction Flow

Prototyping & Test

I created wireframes and prototypes, refining them through usability tests. This approach helped us better understand and meet teachers' needs, resulting in a user-friendly app that was highly efficient and aligned with their expectations.


Technology Research
Workshop Facilitation
Product Strategy
UX Strategy
Persona Creation
Customer Journey Map
Prototyping & Test

My Role

Lead Product Designer


Company: Amplify Education
Project Manager
Education Experts
UX Designer
UI Designer
Software Engineer


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